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Wheeler, David

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David John Wheeler FRS (9 February 1927 – 13 December 2004) was a computer scientist. He was born in Birmingham and gained a scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge to read mathematics, graduating in 1948. He completed the world's first PhD in computer science in 1951. His contributions to the field included work on the EDSAC and the Burrows-Wheeler transform. Along with Maurice Wilkes and Stanley Gill he is credited with the invention of the subroutine (which they referred to as the closed subroutine), because of which jump to subroutine instruction is often called Wheeler Jump. In cryptography, he was the designer of WAKE and the co-designer of the TEA and XTEA encryption algorithms together with Roger Needham.

Wikipedia Entry Link to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Wheeler_(computer_scientist)

ACM Author Page Link to portal.acm.org/author_page.cfm?id=81100253622&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&trk=0&CFID=25024021&CFTOKEN=54387878

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